Dear Indian Parents

Alka Singh
1 min readJan 23, 2023


It’s 2022 and still, Indian parents are worried about their daughters- unmarried and sitting at home. Every Indian father is busy making frantic calls to the potential matches as if by the rarest of rare chances, the match could strike. As the girl ages more than 25, the increase in a year is proportional to their blood pressure. The receding hairline and the greys of the hair are a reminder that they have failed society.

The daughter is not a liability so you marry her off to hedge the risk. This liability is not owned by someone else. Her assets are not just skin colour and the cut of her face. The real asset is her confidence.

The complexion of her skin is something she is born with. That is God perceived her to be perfect. That is how she was born with. No amount of Fair and Lovely can make her face glow. She glows when she looks and she finds her parents — supporting her, rooting for her. She wilts when she sees that they are more interested in checking off the checklist. She is not a product to be bartered.

