Alka Singh
2 min readJun 18, 2024

In my quest to find a safe space for my stress, I realised that one of the deterrent was the notion I carried about my aptitude in the skills I wished to explore. If I pick up my water colors, and decided to paint my heart on a canvas, the thought that I am good at it started pinching me. The first thought was “There are so many people much better than it” . And I kept the canvas back to where it- the corner of my shelf.

This was until Yesterday I decided to go against my self-bias and paint something- even if its not the best, even someone may find it silly. The purpose is not to outshine others but to “inshine” – my soul should shine in the process and releases its negativity. I painted whatever could come to my mind- and what came to my mind is not surprising. Nature has been my goto place even before I knew 2+2=4. I still have vivid memories of the plants with yellow flowers.

And slowly, I was lost in the world of colors and I was not as easing myself out of the stress. I was slipping in my happy space.

If the goal of this activity is to put me at ease, why should it matter if the piece is perfect or not. Perfection is not what I aspired,so should not be my goal when I am on my path to self-realisation.

If you are putting down that brush or that guitar simply because you are not good at it, let me tell me – you are doing yourself injustice. It’s a moment between your soul, your mind, and your body. Let your soul shine!