Alka Singh
1 min readDec 20, 2022

Are you single?

One last time, I thought to give this strange feeling called famously “Love” , I had it all figured out. Before committing to my feelings, I shall ask the “counterpart” if he is single.

Upon getting an affirmative answer, I let my mind flew wild, brew dreams over hot coffee ( maybe cold because the dreaming made me forget about the coffee!). I wanted to meet him again and again. Every moment spent without him seemed like eons lost. And the butterflies in my stomach did salsa until one day I ask him : let’s date. I like you enough now.

And he was resistant, reluctant and reserved. And I was surprised , shocked and angry in that order. Did he not just say he liked me too? What did I miss? I had also checked with him about his “status” .

Sounds familiar?

I have learnt that the question should be : Are you single and available emotionally?

If I had the idea of this question, In hindsight, I would have known that this guy is single only on the surface. Inside, the part that is hidden from me, his emotions, are still not single per se and lost in another’s world.