The Disguise of Decency

Alka Singh
1 min readMar 20, 2022

Decent men — a’nt we conditioned by society to think of such men as “having college degrees, working in a MNC, and doing good for themselves”?

Deep down — these are sick people , full of filth , and reeking of lust. They pretend to be your friends — will tell you good stories and portray a picture of a decent man — all under the guise of decency. You are careful of snakes- you know they are poisonous and consciously stay away from these “innocent” creatures. How do you recognize the “poisonous” men from the crowd — the lecherous ones- always objectifying you and the women around you. Taking your consent for a toss and making you their property.

They are brothers and sons too. But, they a’int going to ogle at their sister’s body(or, they might!) and may be good brothers. And may be the best son a mother could wish . Who is to be blamed here? Again , women in their lives?

IF this is how these men segregate women — their blood women are the purest. And their friends , girl friends are to be tampered with? played with?It’s ok to be selfish as long as you don’t encroach other’s boundaries. These decent men do not understand boundaries for them — it’s their estate

I dedicate this article to one of the ugliest people I have ever met!

