What to do when you do not know ‘What to do’!
If you, like me, are on your couch, with the laptop on your lap, and relentlessly opening tabs, trying to figure out what to do — you got me!
I am going to suggest what I did — Write it out. The reason your are shifting from one page to other is probably because you have a thought might be bugging you. A thought running at the back of your mind — with no beginning and no end.
Writing helps you put all your resources to use, focused at the point of articulating thoughts and putting it across. All the thoughts present in your grey cells takes a concrete form, in terms of words and sentences. You start seeing the picture in a clearer way.
You can keep below pints in mind while inking your thoughts:
- Keep the natural flow: Let the writing come as is — in no particular order, in no sentences.
- Look at the writing: Once you have poured your heart out, look at it. You may seem to see the solution emerging from your scribble. The solution was always there in your mind, only concealed and camouflaged by the problems and distractions. You will start relating the solutions with the problem, instead of problems with the solutions.
- Smile : Smile not because you found a solution, but because you were able to factualize your train of thoughts.The ball of thoughts simply becomes bigger and bigger until you address it.
I am sure by now, you have a peaceful mind. You can watch a series, or call a friend or cook a meal. The results would be significantly better now.IF so, do remember to share the meal with me.